On September 11th, Kangshuo Group President Mr. Bin Liu and Solidscape CEO Fabio Esposito hosted the former Prime Minister of Germany, Mr. Lothar de Maizière at Kangshuo’s massive 3D Printing Service Bureau in China.

The former Prime Minister visited the Kangshuo facility in the spirit of “Industrial 4.0”, a German initiative to promote engineering and innovation around the world. 3D Printing is the core element of Industrial 4.0 along with Artificial Intelligence, Industrial internet security, Robotic Industry, Big Data, Cloud Computing. The Foshan City service bureau is powered by 100 Solidscape high precision 3D printers that produce hundreds of models a day. Prime Minister de Maizière commented on how much ahead of the game the Solidscape and Kangshuo Group initiative was in China.

Kangshuo Group President Mr. Bin Liu and Solidscape CEO Fabio Esposito hosting the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière

Kangshuo Group President Mr. Bin Liu and Solidscape CEO Fabio Esposito hosting the former Prime Minister of Germany, Mr. Lothar de Maizière at Kangshuo’s massive 3D Printing Service Bureau in China

Solidscape CEO Fabio Esposito and the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière

Kangshuo Group President Mr. Bin Liu and Solidscape CEO Fabio Esposito hosting the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière

Kangshuo Group, Solidscape, Inc. and the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière at the Foshan City 3D Printing Service Bureau in China

Kangshuo Group, Solidscape, Inc. and the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière at the Foshan City 3D Printing Service Bureau in China

Kangshuo Group, Solidscape, Inc. and the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière at the Foshan City 3D Printing Service Bureau in China

Kangshuo Group, Solidscape, Inc. and the former Prime Minister of Germany Mr. Lothar de Maizière at the Foshan City 3D Printing Service Bureau in China